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Does God Really Care if I Give to My Church?

Money is a sensitive and touchy subject. Church members are willing to let the church instruct them on behavior, holiness, parenting, marriage, and many other subjects, but when it comes to money, we clam up too easily. “It’s my money, you aren’t allowed to tell me what to do with it.”

Actually, that is exactly what the church is allowed to do. Your shepherds are to care for your WHOLE soul, not just the parts you let them into. Therefore, as a preacher of God’s Word, it is my duty to do as Paul did and “not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), which includes money and giving.

Does God need your money?

No. He’ll be just fine without it. However, God has ordained the body to give as a means to produce healthy ministries that carry his message of Christ to the world. So though he does not need your giving, he requires it so to fulfill his plan through the church.

Does the Church need your money?

No…and yes. No, because God can provide despite disobedience in his people to give. Yes, because your giving is the means that God has established to support the work and ministry of his body, for his glory.

Does God actually tell us to give?

Yes. In Malachi 3:10, God says, “Bring the full tithes into my storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” This command to financially give was a requirement of the Jew under the Old Covenant. In fact, there was a specific amount set that they were to give (10% plus additional offerings of wealth; an approximate total of around 25%).

Notice that God says, “put me to the test.” This is the only place in Scripture where you will find God allowing us to test him. When Jesus was tempted, he literally said, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test” (Matt.4:7). However, God made an allowance in regards to finances. Test him and see what he will do with your offerings.

Through your giving, he does not promise wealth to you, but when you give faithfully, he does promise wealth “in his house.” Meaning, you are supplying the blessing and means for ministry to the church, and God will give, through your giving, to the church all that is needed.

How much am I supposed to give?

Unlike the Jew in the Old Covenant, God does not prescribe for us a set amount. Instead, in the grace he has provided to us through Christ, he exercises that grace in allowing to us to give as we have decided.

“Each one must give as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor.9:7). First, Paul says that we must give. This is not a suggestion, giving is a biblical command and requirement. However, there is grace in how much we give. Because of God’s desire for your giving to be an overflow of the joy he has given to you in Christ, we are to give as we decided ourselves.

Part of this command involves careful and prayerful decision making. Giving is not something we decide to do when the plate is passed, as that would be a compulsive decision and incur reluctant giving by the you, the giver, instead of joy that comes when you have budgeted your giving and decided before hand, so to incur joy and happiness to give.

A few applications for giving

  1. Pray about how much to give and how often to give.

  2. Discuss with your spouse how much you decide to give.

  3. Budget your giving. If you don’t already make a budget, then you need to. Giving ought to be the first expense you budget.

  4. Give generously. I encourage you to ask God to push your limits of faith and trust in him and to give sacrificially.

  5. Give to be like God. God is a giver, and all that we give has come from him. He wants us to give because he wants us to be like him, and give as he has given.

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